Preparation of building structure - Roof modeling - Creation of dormers

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article FUNCTION AND TOOL
Source for translation 2024-11-19


The article describes the path of modeling Dormer. The element can be created with the use of tools related to the Roof creation and directly with the use of Dormer element.
Dormer is only to be inserted within the scope of the existing Roof, the Dormer may not protrude beyond the outline of the roof, if necessary, the roof may be artificially drawn/remodeled for the purpose of using this function or to create a given part of the building.
Dormer is completed with vertical partitions created automatically after the Building Structure Calculation is performed, walls of a specific shape and dimension are created resulting from the position between the two elements. The walls are bounded from above by the dormer roof and from below by the roof slope.
Dormer is inserted on an existing Roof which has no errors after the Computation of building structure has been carried out.
The default Dormer is inserted as a flat dormer - the program sets the maximum ordinates (from that particular point on the roof plane) to make it a horizontal dormer by default.
Dormer is inserted on an existing roof which has no errors after the Building Structure Calculation has been carried out.
The program considers the cubic capacity of the room with the Dormer inserted.
The attached projects provide solutions for the most common cases of Dormer creation.

Location in the program

  • Icons of components and of functions for Roof modeling are available in the 2D editor window on the Main tools bar, section Construction, Roof tab, when Construction editing is enabled.
    1. Dormer location.

Example of use

Roof-operated Dormer

Dormer is modelled as part of the Roof. Created with the Add roof edge function. For more information, see: Add roof edge.
For multi-storey Roof it is required to use also the function Trim slab (by roof element).For more information, see: Trim slab by roof element.
Note: Particular attention must be paid to the correct modelling of knee walls.
Sample project: Roof-operated Dormer, isproj

Dormer flush with the front wall

Modelling of Dormer flush with the front wall is a common solution:

Dormer extending beyond the outline of the building

Dormer covering several rooms

Steps to perform are: Dormer flush with the front wall or Dormer extending beyond the outline of the building.
Sample project: Dormer covering several rooms, isproj

2. Dormer covering several rooms.

If a Dormer covers several rooms and there are other physical walls between the dormer's outermost side walls - these are cut not through the roof proper but through the dormer's roof.

Multi-storey Dormer extending beyond the outline of the building

Steps to perform are: Dormer extending beyond the outline of the building.
Note: In this case multi-storey Room should be used. For more information, see: Multi-storey rooms.
Sample project: Multi storey Dormer extending beyond the outline of the building, isproj

3. Multi-storey Dormer.

Dormer covers multi-storey rooms.

Dormer located below the storey on which the Roof is inserted (multi-storey Roof)

Dormer may be located below the storey on which the roof is inserted. Such Dormer should be placed on the storey on which the roof is located, even though the dormer is located on a lower storey.
Note: To create storeys of different levels in the same building, use additional storey levels. For more information, see: Create additional and internal storey levels.
Can be created like Roof operated Dormer or Dormer flush with the front wall.

4. Dormer below Roof.

Dormer located below the storey on which the Roof is inserted, isproj

Dormer located in a building with Additional storey level

The principle of creating such Dormer is identical to the other cases. Dormer can be placed either on the Roof of the main storey or on the Roof part defined by the Additional storey level above.
Sample project: Dormer located in a building with Additional storey level, isproj

5. Dormer on Additional storey level.

Additional information

  • Dormer has a smaller label than the Roof element, it is distinguished on the 2D plan by dashed red lines and a darker shade of red.
  • Dormer wall has a main longitudinal edge marking (hotpoints at the corners) and always faces the outside of the building - the thickness of the automatically generated dormer walls can only be changed from the inside of the rooms. It is recommended that the thickness of these walls is consistent with the value of the internal vertical walls on which it is based.
  • Dormer relieves the requirement to cut an opening in the roof at the place of its insertion.
  • Partitions such as windows, doors or wall openings can be inserted on the dormer walls.
  • The user has the option to impose his own value - the thickness for the dormer roof.