Preparation of building structure - Complete building structure

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article FUNCTION AND TOOL
Source for translation 2022-02-25


This article describes the setting up of a complete structure of a building comprising the definition of storeys and graphic objects of the type: Wall, Slab, Window, Door, Roof etc., placed on those storeys and making up the building structure. Based on these objects, the existence of rooms in the building design is automatically identified. Alternatively, such structure may be set up based on a graphic Underlay taken from an external file uploaded for each storey. A complete building structure is used in designs that include:

  • Design heat load calculations made with the use of standard packages
  • Various Heating systems, Cooling systems, Water supply systems and Drainage systems that require the presence of walls, ceiling slabs and roofs.

Videos related to the article

Location in program

Storeys management

  • Storeys management is available in the General data window in the Building and surroundings section.
    1. Storeys management.

Import underlay

  • Component and function icons pertaining to underlay import are available in the 2D Editor window on the Main tools bar in the Underlay section when the Underlay editing scope is activated.
    2. Import underlay

Building structure components

  • Component and function icons pertaining to the building structure are available in the 2D Editor window on the Main tools bar in the Construction section when the Construction editing scope is activated.
    3. Building structure components

Computation of building structure

  • Computation of building structure is available on the Main tools bar in the Calculations section.
    4. Computation of building structure

Examples of use

Creating a storey

For more information, see: Preparation of building structure - Creating a storey.

Loading an underlay

For more information, see: Preparation of building structure - Loading an underlay.

Manual editing of rooms and automatic identification of walls, slabs and roofs

Insertion of manual rooms

Room Manual is represented by a polygon with active vertices. This is each Room drawn before building structure is generated and Computation of building structure is carried out. Shape of a Room Manual can be changed by:

  • moving the positions of component vertices using the 2D editor,
  • adding another vertex on any side of the polygon using the Insert dividing point function and changing its position.

For more information, see: Preparation of building structure - Rooms layout.

Inserting building contour

Form a contour around the building plan using the Building contour function, which is available on the Main tools bar in the Construction section when the Construction editing scope is activated.

  • when the building contour is identical on an adjacent storey, a single common Building contour can be created which covers all storeys of the same shape,
  • when the building contours on successive storeys differ from each other, a separate Building contour must be placed on each storey.

Building generator

  • The operation is accessible on the Main tools bar in the Construction section when the Construction editing scope is activated.
    5. Building generator

  • Generate walls, slabs and roofs from rooms and building contour enables the creation of these partitions in spaces identified by the program between the rooms found in the design and the external contour of the building.

  • After completing Generate walls, slabs and roofs from rooms and building contour, Computation of building structure can be carried out. If there are no errors in the structure, all Room Manual components at this stage will be converted into Room Automatic. The shape of a Room Automatic is defined by restricting components: Wall, Slab and Roof.
  • The structure thus generated should be complemented with Window, Door, Opening in wall, Opening in slab components and the actual shape of the Roof should be defined according to guidelines given below. The Wall components created as a result of the operation, which make up the building structure, may also further be edited in accordance with the information given below.

Room - identification within an area enclosed by drawn partitions

A Room Automatic may also be created in areas enclosed by edges (surfaces) of inserted graphic partitions (i.e.: Wall, Slab, Roof components). This requires manual drawing od building structure and carrying out Computation of building structure . After a Room Automatic is selected, it cannot be edited, unlike in the case of a Room Manual. Each operation, the purpose of which is to modify the surface and shape of Room Automatic (e.g. change of position and shape of structure components that make up the Room, partitioning and combining of rooms), requires repeating the Computation of building structure .
To create a structure by drawing its physical components follow the steps below.

Inserting walls

Editing a Wall component
  • Wall may be inserted into a design as a series of components with successive single walls joined together by means of special connecting points. After selecting a Wall in the 2D editor window, dedicated editors become available which enable changing the dimensions and shape of a component, i.e.:
    • change the length indicating the direction of the change
    • indicate the edge of the wall from which its thickness is to be increased
    • change the shape of an inserted component from straight to curved
    • create a mirror image of a component, with respect to the positioning of editors.
  • Additionally, in the Data table window, component type can be changed to Curtain Wall or a wall of this type can be inserted directly from the tool bar to represent curtain walls, glazing or facades in the design.
  • Each wall can have its Thickness specified as 0 and such wall can be used to partition rooms without creating a logical partition. For more information, see: Calculation of design heat load of rooms.

Creating a structure with the use of walls

Insert a series of Wall components, specifying beforehand in the Data table the thickness of the wall and moving the mouse cursor along the internal edges of walls on the underlay. In case of underlays from a DWG file, make use of attracting to a layer indicated on the underlay. After inserting External walls, insert Internal walls in a similar manner.

Inserting slabs

Insert a Slab. The outline of one storey is usually covered by a single slab.

If a Slab protrudes beyond the building outline on a storey, and there is no Room above it, it can be converted into a Roof by means of the Convert to roof function which is accessible from the pop-up menu of the Slab component. The shape, thickness and elevation of the component is retained, while a flat Roof is formed as a result of the transformation.

Inserting a roof

Insert a Roof.

If a Roof is not flat, create a multi-hipped Roof.
For more information, see: Preparation of building structure - Creation of roofs with different construction.

Verifying the created building structure

To verify that the drawn structure is correct, carry out Computation of building structure , after which all created Room Automatic components will be identified within the area enclosed by the structural components.

Inserting windows, doors and openings in walls

  • Insert: Window, Door, Opening in wall, Recess.

  • Opening in wall connects two adjacent rooms on one storey. To connect rooms, in the Data table of the Opening in wall select Merge rooms, and then run the Computation of building structure .
    5. Room connected by an opening in the wall

  • Opening in slab connects two rooms that are on adjacent storeys and creates a multi-storey Room. To connect rooms insert an Opening in slab, and then run the Computation of building structure .
    Opening in slab can be removed by clicking Delete-ikon.png.

For more information, see: Preparation of building structure - Multi-storey rooms.

  • If necessary, insert a Roof window in the drawn Roof.

Computation of building structure

Computation of building structure initiates a number of operations associated with the creation of a complete building structure. Among them:

  • Cutting off walls with the roof plane.
  • Conversion of manual rooms into automatic rooms enclosed by structural components created as a result of running Generate walls, slabs and roofs from rooms and building contour.
  • Automatic identification of rooms based on horizontal and vertical partitions, connecting rooms located on same storey, creating multi-storey rooms.
  • Correction of walls geometry. Additionally, when Computation of building structure results in errors caused by problems with proper interpretation of the created building structure, the Correction of wall geometry function may be used to carry out Alignment of wall thickness, angles, micro-shifts to avoid artifacts during calculations of the building structure. For more information, see: Wall geometry correction.
  • Diagnostics with indication of the componets that cause errors in the building structure.
  • If Project scope Thermal calculations of building is enabled, logical partitions displayed in the H&E(T) are automatically identified and Partition definitions are assigned thereto. For more information, see: Calculation of design heat load of rooms.

After every change that modifies the building structure the Thermal calculations of building must be run.

Additional information

Dividing flat construction components

If there is a need to divide flat components of a structure, Surface division construction or/and installation elements may be used. This function is accessible in the 2D editor window on the Main tools bar in the Edit section when Construction is enabled. Division can be effected on flat construction components, i.e. Room Manual, Roof, Slab.

6. Surface division construction or/and installation elements

For instance, this function may be used when a Building contour on a storey below protrudes beyond the outline of the current storey, and part of the slab created between these storeys is a roof.

Building units

It is possible to handle automatically created Building units. For more information, see: Editing data of Building units.

Numbering the rooms

For more information, see: Preparation of building structure - Numbering of rooms.

Ground modelling

For more information, see: Ground modeling.

Configuring component style

Components: Room (Manual and Automatic), and building structure components: Wall, Slab, Roof, Opening in a wall, Building contour have their own place in the style tree. Their appearance, along with the appearance of the labels, can be configured. For more information, see: Component appearance and descriptions configuration.