Preparation of building structure - Roof modeling - Basic design cases
Product | InstalSystem 5 |
Type of article | SAMPLE PROJECT |
Source for translation | 2024-12-05 |
Project description
The article describes paths of basic cases of Roof constructions designing with the use of tools and function related to the Roof creation. For more information, see: Preparation of building structure - Roof modeling.
InstalSystem allows to create roofs of almost any construction. There is no need to set the full range of elevations or slopes. It is sufficient to specify only the slope and the elevations will be calculated automatically or vice versa.
Attention! In order to view the effects of any changes made during editing it is necessary to invoke Computation of building structure .
Note: To speed up the Roof modeling process, the following capabilities can be used:
- F3 key - allows to insert the last element used in the project - for the sequential insertion of edges; For more information, see: Keyboard shortcuts.
- Ctrl key - allows to select several elements on the drawing - for the simultaneous modification of multiple elevations or slopes.
Files to download and project information
The file containing the following design cases of roofs: Basic design cases, isproj
Shed Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Specify the elevation for the higher Roof edge;
- Specify the slope or elevation for the lower edge.
Gable Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edge;
- Specify the angles of the slopes.
Flat Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges, if necessary;
- Specify the angle(s) of the slope(s).
- Flat Roof is never exactly flat. It always has a certain slope. This is especially important when designing Rainwater drainage systems. However, for the purposes of Thermal calculations of building, the minimum slope can be disregarded.;
- Flat Roof can be limited by the outer or inner contour of the walls of the building;
- Program provides the possibility to compose flat Roof with several separate parts.
Hip Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the angles of the slopes.
Hip and Valley Roof
- Insert the Roof element over the entire building, including Dormer;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges. We recommend to start with the main Roof edges;
- Specify the angles of the slopes or the elevations of the edges;
- Add edges to the Roof over the Dormer;
- Improve the elevations and slopes based on the project values.
Jerkinhead Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the angles of the slopes or the elevations of the edges.
M-Shaped Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges and the angles the slopes.
Mansard Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges. Note: A special feature of this type of Roof is the presence of an additional edge. Although it is closed, it must be drawn in separate parts;
- Specify the elevations of the edges and the angles the slopes.
Saltbox Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edge;
- Specify the angles the slopes.
Sawtooth Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges.
Dropped Eaves Roof
- Insert the Roof element. Note: The flat Roof can be drawn clearly along the contour of the building or, to speed up the process, rectangular, with the insertion of a Opening in roof where necessary;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edge;
- Specify the angles of the slopes.
Butterfly Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edge;
- Specify the elevations of the edge. Note: It is not possible to create such roof type by indicating the slope angles, because a negative value of the slope angle cannot be entered.
Curved Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edge;
- Specify the elevations of the edges. Note: In order to clearly draw this type of roof, more edges need to be added. In the example, only two are defined.
Clerestory Roof
- Insert two separate Roof elements;
- Specify the elevations of the edges. Note: In the case of this type of Roof, there is no need to divide the joint wall into Internal wall and External wall. The program automatically determines the Partition type according to the specified elevations.
A-Frame Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edge;
- Specify the angles of the slopes.
In the case of necessity to create an additional Slab at a different elevation, perform the following steps:
- Add internal storey level with specified elevation. For more information, see: Create additional and internal storey levels;
- In the Data table indicate the level for the additional slab;
- Cut the Slab using the function Trim slab (by roof element).
Combination Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges.
Dutch Gable Roof
- Insert three separate Roof elements;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges. Attention! The elevations of the adjacent roof edges must be identical.
Pyramid Hip Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges or the angles of the slopes.
Gambrel Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges or the angles of the slopes.
Hexagonal Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges or the angles of the slopes.
Monitor Roof
- Insert the Roof element;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges or the angles of the slopes;
- Use the function Opening in roof;
- Insert one more Roof element over the cut-out area, Add roof edge and specify the elevations and slopes.
Cross-Hipped Roof passing through several storeys with the adjacent part of the building
- Insert the Roof element over the entire building;
- Use the function Add roof edge to add edges;
- Specify the elevations of the edges or the angles of the slopes;
- Run Computation of building structure . The red colour on the plan view and on the 3d model of the building, appeared after Computation of building structure , indicates problematic places, which the program informs about in the Diagnostics window. For more information, see: How to eliminate common mistakes and diagnostic messages regarding roof modeling.
- Use the function Trim slab (by roof element) and run Computation of building structure once again;
- Correct the Position of Wall elements.