Keyboard shortcuts

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article TIP&TRICK
Source for translation 2024-06-18

Problem description

To simplify and speed up the design process, to increase its efficiency and comfort, the software provides the use of key combinations and function keys.


Key combinations Default action
Ctrl+A Select all
Ctrl+C Copy
Ctrl+E Export DXF/DWG file
Ctrl+F Open / close the Search window
Ctrl+G Import from gbXML
Ctrl+I Import underlay
Ctrl+M Move
Ctrl+N New project
Ctrl+O Open project
Ctrl+P Display the circuit to which the selected item belongs
Ctrl+S Save project
Ctrl+V Paste
Ctrl+X Cut
Ctrl+Y Redo recent undone operation
Ctrl+Z Undoes last operation
Ctrl+Shift+F10 Open Interactive radiant systems calculations table
Ctrl+F4 Close project
Alt+F4 Exit program
Alt+1 Visible in 3D view
Alt+2 Hide in 3D view
Shift+F1 Open / close the Products window
Shift+F2 Check connections
Shift+F4 Open / close the additional 2D editor window
Shift+F5 Show all from active edit scope
Shift+F11 Open / close the Printouts window
Function keys Default action
F1 Referring to the HelpSystem
F3 Insert the last element used in the project
F4 Open / close the 2D editor window
F5 Show all
F7 Open / close the General data window
F8 Open / close the Diagnostics window
F9 Open / close the 3D view window
F10 Run Calculations
F11 Open / close the Results window
F12 Open / close the Data table
Delete Remove marked components
PageDown Switch to worksheet downwards
PageUp Switch to worksheet upwards

Note: The shortcuts above are default and can be edited in the program settings. For more information, see: Settings.
To restore standard keyboard configuration press Standard.

1. Restore standard keyboard configuration.