Wall geometry correction

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Product InstalSystem 5
Source for translation 2021-11-26


When creating a building structure (e.g. drawing rooms or walls) with the use of raster underlays the AUTO mode cannot be used. As a result of drawing inaccuracies, minute offsets are created between structural elements (e.g. walls) located on successive storeys. These may lead to improper interpretation of the building structure. In order to avoid difficult and time-consuming manual corrections to the structural model, a tool has been made available which automatically corrects the wall geometry. By using the Correction of wall geometry function such artifacts can be eliminated and proper building structure can be obtained.

1. Using the Correction of wall geometry tool.

The Correction of wall geometry tool can be used for the following purposes:

  • Correct wall connections - among other things to rectify wall connections if these were not made correctly with the Automatic walls, slabs and roofs function
  • Correct wall thickness - to standardize wall thicknesses to specified thickness variants
  • Correct angles of the walls - to fix the angles between connected walls
  • Correct position between storeys - to align the positions of walls located one above the other on successive storeys

Examples of use

The Correction of wall geometry tool has four options:

  1. Correct wall connections

  2. Correct wall thickness - enables specifying/removing a permissible wall thickness. The Correct wall thickness tool standardizes the Thickness of a Wall to a defined value across the entire project.

  3. Correct angles of the walls - specifies the value of angle correction of a Wall. The Correct angles of the walls function modifies the value to a grid value, which by default is set to 3. The value is complemented to 90, 93, 96 and so on and adjusted accordingly. The angle shift does not depend on the position of the wall hotpoint.

  4. Correct position between storeys requires specifying the tolerance (in cm) of the mutual vertical misalignment of Wall type components. The storey with respect to which the alignment correction is to be made must also be indicated. ATTENTION! This function corrects the position of walls only, corrections in the area of horizontal slab partitions, if required, must be made manually.