Terminal unit

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Product InstalSystem 5
Source for translation 2022-08-01


The article describes usage of the element which may act in projects as units that are not selected from manufacturers' catalogues (e.g. heaters, water heaters, fan-coils, other units performing heating or cooling function on the basis of convection principles).
Terminal units may also serve to simulate parts of an existing installation or of a part to be designed in another part of the project (e.g..: simulate a secondary central heating supplied from a flat station).

Location in the program

  • The Terminal unit element is available in the program in the Convectional section on the Main tools ribbon, for all active Convectional editing scopes.
    1. Terminal unit

Description of specific data

Comp. pressure drop

Local resistance coefficient, kv or pressure loss.

Heat transfer

Value selection:

  • Convectional - impacts the resulting convective heating/cooling output in a given room.
  • Radiant - impacts the resulting radiant heating/cooling output in a given room.

Contribution [%]

Percentual contribution in covering room heat demand foreseen for this type of units.

2. Terminal unit

Temp. drop on TU

Decrease or increase of medium temperature in the terminal unit, default value drawn from general data for this type of units..

3. Δθs,H - TU

Not considered in heat demand coverage

If a unit has been drawn within a room, and it is e.g. a water heater, its thermal output may be excluded from the room thermal balance.

Terminal unit sizing

The program does not perform sizing of such units; thus, the obtained thermal output and Temp. drop on TU are always equal to the values that have been input.

Additional information

Changing the viewing direction

  • Upon marking the component, the viewing direction of a Terminal unit can be changed, which has an effect on its appearance in the Automatic schematic view of installation sheet: