Preparation of building structure - Creation of a loggia

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article FUNCTION AND TOOL
Source for translation 2020-11-26


This article describes how to create a loggia.

Editing often requires calling Computation of building structure in order to display the effects of the changes made.
For more information, see: Preparation of building structure

Location in the program

Building structure

  • Icons of elements and functions concerning the building structure are available in the 2D editor window in the Main tools bar in the Construction section when the Construction editing scope is enabled.
    1. Building structure elements

Computation of building structure

  • Computation of building structure is available in the Main tools bar in the Calculations section.
    2. Computation of building structure

Examples of use

1. Create the outline of the loggia using the Wall element. Then adjust the outer walls.

  • roofed loggia,

  • roofless loggia - in order to cut out a fragment of the Roof use the Opening in roof element,

  • loggia with a roof with an opening - in order to cut out a fragment of the Roof use the Opening in roof element and then use Add roof edge,