Inserting plates in dry floor heating system

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article FUNCTION AND TOOL
Source for translation 2022-07-27


This functionality enables inserting Dry system plate components to form a base for pipes in dry underfloor heating systems with guide plates.
Dry system plate components can be arranged in any configuration and cut to fit the edge of the room, while the cut away pieces can still be used.
There are a number of tools that facilitate arranging components in a project, among them rotating a component before it is put in place, changing snap points and automatic filling of selected area of a room with plates.
After completing calculations a List of radiant heating components is generated specifying the number of plates used in the project.

1. Dry system plate - view.

Videos related to the article

Location in the program

  • The icon Dry system plate is available in the 2D editor window, Main tools toolbar, section Radiant for the enabled editing scope Dry systems.
    2. Location in program.

  • Additional dedicated tab with icons of plates with assigned types, depending on the configuration of the package.

Example of use

Manual inserting plates in dry floor heating system

  • Dry system plate is inserted within the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone area.
    For more information, see: Heating/cooling zone.
    Therefore this step has to be preceded by necessary design operations. For more information, see: Design of radiant heating floor and wall installation. It is also necessary to select appropriate Dry system in the Default system / fastening method field in the General data window, section Floor systems.
  • Select catalog type.
    When inserting Dry system plate appropriate catalog type should be selected in the Data table window, to take into account the pipe spacing distance determined or specified for the zone.
    When the program configuration includes a dedicated toolbar it is possible to select an icon of a plate of defined type.
  • Rotate component before inserting.
    Function key F6 enables rotating a Dry system plate before it is put into place, which facilitates arranging plates along the proper direction.
  • Inserting Dry system plate components is supported by the AUTO mode.
    The Dry system plate components are subject to the AUTO mode action, which ensures precise placing of the plate both in relation to the room border, as well as in relation to another plate. For more information, see: Additional information.
  • Using cut off pieces of Dry system plate components.
    The portion of Dry system plate component being inserted that extends beyond the Room or overlaps the Dry system plate inserted before is automatically cut off. The cut off piece can be used in the project and the corresponding number of Dry system plate components used is included in the bill of materials. The cut off pieces can be pasted outside of the drawing and reinserted elsewhere within the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone cut to fit the edge provided that Cut and Paste functions are used.
  • Sliding plates with ORTO mode enabled.
    The ORTO mode with the AUTO mode switched on enables moving components along their vertical and horizontal edge, which ensures precise psitioning of the plate in relation to the border of the Room or to the edge of another plate placed in the zone.

Adjusting the line dividing the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone into Heating/cooling floor components

Inserting loop drawings

Additional information

  • When inserting and copying/pasting a Dry system plate component it is possible to switch between active edges/snap points:
    • TAB - Cursor moves clockwise to the next main snap point: corner or centre of the component side.
    • Ctrl+TAB - Cursor moves clockwise to intermediate snap points.
    • Shift+TAB - Cursor moves anticlockwise
  • The active edge of a component is highlighted in green.
  • If an edge is active on a Dry system plate component being inserted (cursor in the centre of the edge) - then 3 points are activated: 1 in the centre and 2 in corners.
  • If individual points are active on a Dry system plate component being inserted, the program switches between edge points of the component grid and snaps onto the grid points of other Dry system plate components.
  • Copying of several Dry system plate components: the program switches between subsequent snap points of Dry system plate components that make up the block being copied.
  • Moving a Dry system plate component: the active edge or point is selected based on the "grab" location of the component, and changing with the TAB key is disabled.