How to eliminate "Too big elevation difference for sanitary ware"

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article TIP&TRICK
Source for translation 2024-06-26

Problem description

The problem relates to the design of the Sanitary drainage systems and is indicated with the following diagnostic message:

  • Too big elevation difference (%s) for sanitary ware %s.

The Warning is displayed when the value of the elevation drop between the ordinates of the Sanitary ware and the beginning of the next horizontal (near-horizontal) section of the branch or (if there is not such section) between the ordinates of the Sanitary ware and the end of the last section of the branch is bigger than the value of "Maximum drop (H)" specified in the Standard EN 12056-2:2000.

1. Maximum drop (H).

Note: According to the Standard for unventilated discharge branches the value of H should be less or equal 1m, for ventilated discharge branches - less or equal 3m.


This diagnostic message is not critical and has no influence on the further calculations of the installation. If you choose to remove it, this can be done in the following ways:

  • Add local ventilation - Air admittance valve:

  • Reconfigure the geometry of the installation.