How to eliminate: "Too high water volume of h.w. network outside circulation loop"

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article TIP&TRICK
Source for translation 2022-03-18

Problem description

Problems with too high installation capacity not included in circulation are diagnosed by the program with a diagnostic message:
too high water volume of h.w. network outside circulation loop (%s).

  • The problem may occur when the part of hot water installation not included in circulation has capacity higher than declared in Calculation standard.
  • When the selection of the ring part is selected in on the Calculation standard, this diagnostic can also include the ring parts. It is impossible to connect the circulation to the ring.


To eliminate the message, the hot water source must have a circulation input.

  • If a circulation installation already exists in the project, it should be extended to the farthest possible part of the installation (outside the ring).
    1. Add a circulation pipe-run.

  • If a Flat station is used, select a model with the circulation input option (declare the use of a circulation set in the data table) and draw the circulation installation on the residential side.
    2. Select the type of Flat station.

  • The value of the water capacity above which the message is generated is set in the field Permissible volume of a part not covered by circulation on scope Calculation standard in the General data window.
    3. Increase the values in Permissible volume of a part not covered by circulation