How to eliminate: "Max. working load %.1f exceeds permissible value %.1f for selected floor construction (insulation). Insulation was not determined"
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Product | InstalSystem 5 |
Type of article | TIP&TRICK |
Source for translation | 2022-03-30 |
Problem description
Problems related to the design of the heating/cooling floor construction are indicated with the following message:
- Max. working load %.1f exceeds permissible value %.1f for selected floor construction (insulation). Insulation was not determined.
Instead of the %.1f parameter, the load value in kN/m2 is displayed. The maximum value depends on the selected system, while the working load arises from the design data.
The diagnostic message is displayed when:
- the default Max. working load specified in General data on the Floor systems tab exceeds the permissible load value listed in the catalogue for the given floor system;
- Max. working load declared in Floor build-up ... for the selected Heating/Cooling Floor Zone exceeds the permissible load value listed in the catalogue for the given floor system.
- Default maximum permissible operational load for underfloor systems is propagated to all Heating/Cooling Floor Zone components. When the message appears, the value for Max. working load can be changed in the General data window in the Floor systems section.
- Changes (decreases in value) can also be made only for selected Heating/Cooling Floor Zone components in the Max. working load field in the Floor build-up ... editor, launched from the Data table window.