Heating floor with return temperature limiter

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article FUNCTION AND TOOL
Source for translation 2022-06-07


Design of a heating system, where heating floors are supplied directly from a high-parameter network may be prepared with InstalSystem 5 using the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone component of the type:

  • With return temp. limiter
  • With return temp. limiter fed from radiator return.

The Heating/Cooling Floor Zone types named above are not divided automatically and consist of only one Heating-cooling surface, that is one loop.

Location in the program

  • Floor icons are available in the 2D Editor window on the Main tools bar, section Radiant with the Rad.-floors,walls editing scope enabled.
    1. Heating/Cooling Zone.

  • The type of the used Heating/Cooling Zone component can be selected in the Data table window, H/C Zone type field.
    2. Heating/Cooling Zone: With return temp. limiter and With return temp. limiter fed from radiator return.

Example of use

Editing and setting the parameters

Inserting a component and selecting the functional type

Operating parameters

Structural parameters

Peripheral zones


  • For the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone With return temp. limiter and With return temp. limiter fed from radiator return components it is possible to change the determined value of Pipe spacing in the Interactive radiant systems calculations window.
    For more information, see: Interactive calculations of radiant systems.

Heating/cooling floor zone with return temperature limiter

  • The Heating/Cooling Floor Zone With return temp. limiter component should be connected by means of Pipe-run components to a high-parameter central heating system, supplying the Radiator components and other Convectional units, connected to a Source used for Heating. On the return pipe-run of the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone a Valve of the Return temperature limiter type should be installed.

  • For the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone With return temp. limiter, the enabled option Create virtual connections when there are no graphical connections in the Virtual connections of radiant systems tab in the General data window is ignored.

Heating/cooling floor zone with return temperature limiter fed from radiator return

  • The Heating/Cooling Floor Zone With return temp. limiter fed from radiator return component should be connected to a high-parameter central heating network, supplying the Radiator components and other Convectional units, connected to a Source used for Heating in the following way:
    • Supply for the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone - using a Pipe-run of the Serial connection type connected to the return line of a Radiator.
      Attention! Pipe-run of the Serial connection type must run outside of the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone area and must be connected to its edge from the outside. In most systems the Radiator is positioned directly above the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone and the simplest connection "from the inside of the room" is not handled by the program as yet.
    • Return - using a Pipe-run of the Return type, by connecting it directly to the return line from the radiators and other convection units. The return pipe-run from the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone should be provided with a Valve of the Return temperature limiter type.

  • For the Heating/Cooling Floor Zone With return temp. limiter fed from radiator return' the enabled option Create virtual connections when there are no graphical connections in the Virtual connections of radiant systems tab in the General data window is ignored.