Export / print results and drawings
Product | InstalSystem 5 |
Type of article | FUNCTION AND TOOL |
Source for translation | 2020-01-24 |
The program enables exporting project drawings and results into a number of file formats (JPG, PDF, DWG, XLS and many more) and printing them. Exporting to DWG/DXF files is effected by means of a dedicated function, whereas exporting to many other file formats is done with functions used for outputting to a printer. It takes on the form of printing to a file of selected type.
Location in the program
- The Export DXF/DWG file function is available on the Main tools bar when the Printout editing scope is enabled. The function enables exporting graphics from the project file to a DXF/DWG file.
- Outputting to a printer and to other file formats is effected in the Printouts window. The Print function, available on the Main tools bar when the Printout editing scope is enabled, switches the program to that window. Alternatively this can be done by calling this window from the Windows menu on the Main tools bar.
- The Insert page layout icon, available on the Main tools bar when the Printout editing scope is enabled, allows placing a Printout pages component in a drawing. Every such component in the project is a new definition of the scope of printout / export of graphics.
Example of use
Exporting drawings to DWG format
Printing / exporting drawings to an XLS file
Printing a drawing
Single page setup
The video shows how Drawing frame is set up
Multiple pages setup
The video shows how margins are set up in a multiple pages printout (Marking space)
Additional information
- When underlay drawing was imported with the Save underlay drawing -> In external file option and original location of the file is not available, the underlay layers cannot be exported. In such case, in order to have the underlay drawing included in the export or printout, it must be loaded again.
For more information, see: Import underlay files. - User-defined and saved printout compositions, in addition to pre-defined compositions, will also be available in other projects.
For more information, see: Printout compositions.
Preparing drawings for exporting/printing
Once all required changes have been made to the project and calculations have been completed, elements that complement the information provided in printouts can be entered into the project. These elements are of informative nature and do not affect the course of calculations. Inserting them into the project only at this stage is recommended, as iterative work with the project in earlier stages may also require modification of these elements. Therefore, inserting them in the final stage of work may be most effective.
Details of the types of elements available for specific types of installations can be found in the program application descriptions.
For more information, see:DESIGN APPLICATIONS.
- An example of this are Component labels available in the Main tools bar in the Labels and graphics section. A label is inserted by selecting the appropriate icon from the toolbar and clicking on the drawing component for which the label is intended. When a component with a label is selected in the drawing, the label style can be selected in the Data table window.
Label styles are customizable. It is possible to create and save many user-defined label styles.
For more information, see: Component appearance configuration.