BIM - Interpretation of ifcSpace elements into rooms of InstalSystem 5 package

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Product InstalSystem 5
Type of article FUNCTION AND TOOL
Source for translation 2022-06-10


InstalSystem 5 is provided with a tool that enables interpretation of ifcSpace objects into native structural components like Room Manual. The rooms interpreted in this way can be used to:

Before interpreting ifcSpace objects to components of the Room Manual type, it is necessary to ensure that the storey arrangement has been correctly created from the IFC file. Incorrect interpretation of the storey will result in incorrect interpretation results in terms of elevations of the Room Manual components within the design space.
For more information, see: BIM - Creating storeys based on data from IFC model.
In addition, when performing the interpretation, the user is supported by standard tools to assist in the design process based on the IFC model in InstalSystem 5 , i.e.:

  • Search window
  • Project browser window
  • Data table window
  • 2D editor and 3D view windows.

The use of the above tools and how to navigate the IFC model is described in detail in: BIM - Import and management of IFC models in InstalSystem 5 package.

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Location in program

  • The Creates rooms from an IFC file icon is located in the 2D editor and 3D view windows on the Main tools bar in the Underlay section in Interpret from IFC file group when the Underlay editing scope is enabled.
    1. Creates rooms from an IFC file.

Examples of use

Selecting ifcSpace objects to be interpreted

  • Before launching Creates rooms from an IFC file, the objects to be subjected to this function must be selected. The selection can be made using:
  • Components can be interpreted individually or in groups. For example: selecting an entire group of ifcSpace rooms and choosing the function Creates rooms from an IFC file will create native components Room Manual from all ifcSpace components belonging to the selected group.
    2. Selecting a group of components with the use of the Search window.

  • Components unchecked in the Project browser window, apart from not being displayed in the 2D editor and 3D view windows, are also not subject to interpretation. This mechanism can be used when:
    • some of the rooms are to be interpreted at a later stage, e.g. when structural components are interpreted storey by storey,
    • the model has defined ifcSpace objects that are redundant in terms of the designed system or objects that are duplicated,
    • some of the rooms are to be completed manually at a later stage of the design work.
      3. Hiding ifcSpace objects on storeys that are not interpreted.

Interpretation of rooms

  • After performing the Creates rooms from an IFC file operation, switch to the Construction editing scope and carefully examine the created layout of Room Manual components.

  • In the Data table window, the following data from the IFC model are assigned to the components created by interpreting ifcSpace objects:
    • LongName - value in the Description field in the Component identification section,
    • Name - value in the Symbol field in the Component identification section,
    • The rest of the data of the created component Room Manual is adopted from the settings from the Room data tab in the General data window.
  • After the Creates rooms from an IFC file operation, the building structure can be freely supplemented with manually inserted components of the Room type, for which the AUTO function acts on the IFC model currently loaded into the project.
    This allows the interpretation of ifcSpace objects to be adjusted according to the design context and the quality of the IFC model.
    • All Room components can be created using the automatic function Creates rooms from an IFC file.
    • The Room components can be created in a mixed manner: some of them identified automatically by using the Creates rooms from an IFC file function, some of them added manually by the user.
    • All Room components can be inserted manually and the IFC model imported into the project treated as a conventional DWG/DXF underlay. With this method, it is a good idea to hide all objects in the IFC model and leave only the ifcSpace visible, which will significantly improve the clarity of the model in the 2D editor window and make manual room outlining easier.
      4. Hiding the objects from the IFC model to facilitate manual insertion of Room components.

  • The Creates rooms from an IFC file operation gives the created Room the native shape from the IFC model, even when the body of the component is top-cut by a sloping roof.
    5. Room Manual with sloping roof interpreted from an IFC model.

  • If there are vertical openings in an ifcSpace object that fully intersect its body (e.g. columns, a room defined in a room), the shape of the resulting Room Manual component in the 2D editor window on that storey contains a "hole". This is a situation that cannot be achieved by manually creating a Room in the Construction scope.

Interpretation of room elevations

  • The bottom and top elevations of the Room component in InstalSystem 5 mostly result from and coincide with the data of the Storey component. If the elevations of the ifcSpace object do not coincide with the range of the previously created Storey components (For more information, see:: BIM - Creating storeys based on data from IFC model), the elevations of the Room Manual component will be aligned with the elevations of the Storey, and the modified values will be accordingly converted into the parameters presented in the Data table window of the Room Manual components:
    • Floor thickness
    • Thickness of false ceiling.
  • The operation interprets the elevations with a certain tolerance. If the elevations of an ifcSpace object are slightly outside the range of the storey elevations , they will be changed to fit within an appropriate range.
  • If the difference is greater than the tolerance adopted in the program, the bottom and top limiting elevations of the Room Manual components will remain unchanged. In such a situation, it is possible to modify and adjust the position of the Room Manual components by making appropriate settings in the From storey and To storey fields in the Data table window. Changes can be made simultaneously to a number of selected Room Manual components.
  • If the range of rooms is being aligned on the same storey to which Room (or group of rooms) is assigned, it is necessary to change the value in the From storey or To storey field to another value available in the list and revert to the initial value in this field to reset the position of the Room Manual.
  • In order to analyse the elevations of the components being created, the Turn on floor/false ceiling area function available in the 3D view window can be used. This function highlights within the rooms the area determined by the values for the parameters: Floor thickness and Thickness of false ceiling.

Editing rooms created by interpreting

  • After the Creates rooms from an IFC file operation the Room Manual components are created within the Construction editing scope and exist in parallel (simultaneously) with the IFC model components within the Underlay scope. ifcSpace objects within the Underlay scope are shown by means of red edges in both the 2D editor and the 3D view window.
    6. IfcSpace in the 2D editor and 3D view windows.

  • It is possible to modify freely the Room Manual components created as a result of this operation. They can be moved, deleted, have their shape corrected, etc. All necessary changes must be made within the Construction scope.
  • The ifcSpace objects within the Underlay scope cannot be modified or deleted. They can, however, be hidden using the Project browser window. For more information, see: BIM - Import and management of IFC models in InstalSystem 5 package.
  • Attention! The Room Manual component formed from an ifcSpace object of irregular shape, when its shape is modified using hotpoints, takes the shape of a right prism.

Using the rooms from ifcSpace in the Automatic walls, slabs and roofs operation

  • In the next design stage, the interpreted Room Manual components can be used in the Automatic walls, slabs and roofs operation. This allows a tailored approach to interpreting the structure according to the design needs and quality of the IFC model. The function should be used when the level of detail in the IFC model with respect to walls, roofs, slabs and any openings therein is such that InstalSystem 5 has difficulty in converting them into native structural components that can be properly handled by Computation of building structure . For more information, see: BIM - Interpretation of IFC elements into building structure elements of InstalSystem 5 package.
  • After interpreting the ifcSpace objects, the design must be supplemented with Building contour components and the Automatic walls, slabs and roofs function must be used. In a further step, the Creates windows, doors, and wall openings from an IFC file operation can be performed on the building body thus formed. For more information, see: Interpretation of windows, doors and openings.

Export of ifcSpace objects